Chpt 9:
Repetitive design
A grid helps define patterns because a grid
gives a piece a definite and equal guideline too follows to create pattern.
Though both are
created normally by repeating the same motif over and over again they differ in
the fact that pattern is more often the same design clearly being used over
again in a neat manner while texture is slightly different and obscure implying
a feel to it.
Texture can evoke
our sense of touch by allowing us to read certain patterns as textural
associations in our minds.
Actual texture is
a texture that can be felt when touched while implied is merely one that can
only be perceived through a visual effect.
Collage is a
design created by pasting down materials to create a piece of art (ex. Peter Clark’s
brown eyed and handsome piece)
Trompe L’oeil is artwork
that deceives its viewer into believing that what they’re seeing is the actual
thing that the piece is imitating.
Chpt 10:
Value is how
light of dark a color is
Achromatic gray
is the mixtures of only black and white no color at all
The relationship between areas of dark and
Equal color value
weight on each side of the composition
One can create an
emphasis with value by having a contrast of the subjects value to every other
value in the piece (in Van Gogh’s self portrait he the central subject is the
lightest value with in the piece)
Clear tonal
contrast the suggest depth and dramatization in a piece this term was first
introduced during the renaissance
perspective is the idea that an object or seen becomes less clear and smaller
as it recedes into the background. (Ex. Parmigianino’s Madonna and child with saints)
Aked, an east London illustrator, combines photographs of her London home and
her illustration skills to create one of a kind collages. This collage
uses the natural grid layout of the building to make an aesthetically
pleasing pattern. Aked photoshops in hand made collages into the opening
of her building’s doors and windows. Her piece flawlessly maintains a balance
in composition by allowing equal visual weight between the presence of
colored and black and white collages through out each quadrant of the piece. It
all entails a natural formation of arial perspective and actual and implied
textures by utilizing the buildings natural form. The balconies give the
viewer an idea of their perspective to the piece and an idea of the depth in
the piece from the forward of the balconies to the front of the building. The
collages in the window and doors simulate a grainy texture while it is known to
the viewer that the brick of building has its own actual texture.