Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Artist Statement

Artist Statement
Raegan Stewart
            When I’m working on a piece I try to make sure that I’m making something that will evoke curiosity in its viewer. If there is no sense of wonderment in the piece then in my opinion it has no real purpose. I want to be able to look at my finished work and get a new feel for it each time, as if it’s purpose and meaning can be manipulated throughout my own lifetime. As my experiences and values morph and evolve so does the value of my work. I am inspired by pure fantasy and whimsy, I always feel most inclined to create when something comes to me in a day dream or when it seems to toe the edge between reality and insanity. In many of my works I hope to signify a sense of self. What ever I’ve created would ideally be capable of mirroring some element of the life of each person who views it. A piece is successful when the viewer’s curiosity peeks and they must look upon it until they finally feel a personal connection. I make my art usually as a slow process, I will usually have sessions of inspiration over the span of many different days and for a few hours will feel compelled to work endlessly on the one piece and then will grow so tired of looking at it I won’t feel inclined to do so again for many days. Due to my whimsical nature I have a terrible habit of starting many pieces but finishing only a small percent of what I start. I use a variety of medias depending on what mood I want to convey, what I’m assigned to use, or simply what I fancy to work in on that day. Overall the creative process is for me an escape from the ordinary and boring, it is the one place on this earth where each man and woman is the captain of their own fate and the commander of their own fantasy ruled reality.

Final Piece

When i had just started working on my piece, i decided to tackle the microism, the fish scales, first since i originally thought they'd be the hardest to paint. Boy was i wrong! The fish scales were definitely tedious but so were a lot of the figures on the piece! As you can see i like to have background noise when i work so a classic pick was made, south park.

Quite a bit further along in the piece, still plenty of work to go though. I had a hard time with the colors since it seemed like a lot of my shades were very similar. i'm enjoying the atmosphere of it so far though, very fantasy outer space.
FINAL PIECEEEE ahhhhhh!!!!! I am so happy to have my piece done, i've gotten some positive feedback on it too (okay it was more so my boyfriend calling dibs on it after finals but still) i love how serene it all feels, which is funny considering i nearly drove myself crayzay working on it! The hardest parts to pain were probably the wave and the furthest orb in the sky, there were so many tiny lines to paint in i had to cut up some of my brushes just to reach! When it's all said and done though i'm very happy with the final product and it'll look great hanging up!