Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Final Piece

When i had just started working on my piece, i decided to tackle the microism, the fish scales, first since i originally thought they'd be the hardest to paint. Boy was i wrong! The fish scales were definitely tedious but so were a lot of the figures on the piece! As you can see i like to have background noise when i work so a classic pick was made, south park.

Quite a bit further along in the piece, still plenty of work to go though. I had a hard time with the colors since it seemed like a lot of my shades were very similar. i'm enjoying the atmosphere of it so far though, very fantasy outer space.
FINAL PIECEEEE ahhhhhh!!!!! I am so happy to have my piece done, i've gotten some positive feedback on it too (okay it was more so my boyfriend calling dibs on it after finals but still) i love how serene it all feels, which is funny considering i nearly drove myself crayzay working on it! The hardest parts to pain were probably the wave and the furthest orb in the sky, there were so many tiny lines to paint in i had to cut up some of my brushes just to reach! When it's all said and done though i'm very happy with the final product and it'll look great hanging up!

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