Tuesday, February 12, 2013

hands in motion

Hip hop may be dead, but Wu-tang is forever. In this gif i animated together 5 different renderings of my hands (very difficult to draw!) as they unfolded into the Wu-tang symbol.


  1. your choice of frame succession is very graceful. nice line variation. next time make sure you check off "loop forever"so that your gif plays more than once. id try to further articulate the planes of recession on your hands, it will help them to look less flat. also i feel like the last frame of hands is more developed then ther rest of your drawings- you can totally make them look just as nice. nice drawings good work!

  2. I think your choice of the subject of your hand drawings is really interesting! The dark marks on the nuckles are really bold and I find that really interesting too! Maybe this would be more successful if you didn't outline the hands, but rather, used more tone to suggest that outline. It would make them look much more realistic.

  3. 1st. i loveeee the caption :P i think it has a certain ethereal feel to it which i really dig! i also really like the roughness you have to the drawings. one thing i would do it to try and make them a little less muddy next time, just some cleaner erasing and such! also i think Shannon touched on it ^ it would be so much more graceful if it looped because it is very peaceful and i think it could really suck the viewer in if it looped!
