This is my progress on a piece i'm doing for fun at home. I really enjoy how therapeutic it is to work with the acrylic medium and create all these small lines. I also love that there aren't any stipulations to it and that i can work at my own pace. Though i've been making a huge mess of myself through out the piece- paint is ery whereeeeeeeee!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Homework assignment 3 Ujjie
What is horizontal and vertical placement? Horizontal
placement is to place qualities in a piece or the piece themselves
horizontally, one next to the other while vertical is to place them one atop
What is symmetrical balance, and give an art historical
example? Symmetrical balance is art that has equal visual weight throughout
each side of the piece, one example of this would be the taj mahal.
How can asymmetrical balance be achieved with
value/color/ shape and texture? Asymmetrical balance is when a piece is not
perfectly symmetrical but because of utilizing similar colors, shapes, and
values the piece will visually appear equal even though it isn’t.
What is radial balance? Radial balance is when a piece
of art has equally distributed elements from one central point.
Give a good example of a piece of artwork? Caitlyn
What is a shape and how does it differ from volume and
mass? Shape is a figures general form while volume and mass are actual
measurements of a shapes qualities.
What is the difference between naturalism and
distortion in art and design? Naturalism in art is when an artists depict
realistic objects in their natural settings while distortion is taking a
natural object and changing certain aspects of it to make it unnatural.
Define abstraction: How is your fire and water panel abstract? What
concepts are informing your work on this project? Abstraction is when a piece
does not depict a being place or thing, it may though be a simplified
generalization of a being, place, or thing. My piece represents a woman’s form
yet does not show one, it also has different variations of lines to represent
different emotions. I used varying curvilinear and straight lines and
variations on the thickness of lines to convey different emotions to the
Non-objective- Abstract art that uses form, color, and
line to create a piece that represents an idea
Curvilinear- The line quality in art that has a curved
quality to it
Rectilinear- The line quality in art that has a
rectangular shape to it
Positive and negative shapes- When both the positive
and negative space in a piece both appear to have a recognizable form
List three ways to depict illusion of depth –
overlapping – linear perspective – atmospheric perspective
What is one point perspective? Representing a shape
with lines that radiate from one point
Two point perspective? Representing a shape with lines
that radiate from two points
What is an isometric projection? Method for
representing three dimensional shapes in art
What is equivocal space? A space in which it’s hard to
distinguish the foreground from the background
This piece represents the idea of equivocal
space since there are no definite foreground and background figures. Each
shape utilizes two point perspective since there would be two
perspective points that each shape radiates from. Fields uses curvilinear
lines in the bottom half of the piece creating a sense of asymmetrical
balance between the top and bottom half of the piece with a clear split due
to the horizontal placement of the lines and the curved figures. Both
the positive and negative spaces in the picture create a sense of
balance, with the lightest (positive) space in the center radiating out toward
the darker (negative) space. All these different art basics are utilized in
this piece to create an over all calming sensation and an aesthetically
pleasing quality to the piece.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Ujiie Vocab 2
Raegan Stewart
Ujiie Foundation Design
Vocab HW 2
September 6
What is a focal point and list three ways to achieve it?
The component of the piece the eye is most instantly drawn
to this can be achieved through –position/placement –eye direction –contrast:
size/ shape/ color
List at least three types of rhythm and explain how it
can help unify a piece of art?
Rhythms 2. Alternating Rhythms 3. Progressive Rhythms 4. Flowing Rhythms 5.
Random Rhythms// Rhythm within a piece
of art aids in unifying the piece because of the ease it gives to the viewer.
Rhythm helps lead the viewer from one end of the piece to the other.
What is kinesthetic rhythm?
What is the definition of a line?
mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil,
tool, etc., on a surface
The outline bounding a certain shape
A gesture in art implies to the energy, movement, and
general shape of a subject
Implied line
To create an empty space within the portion of a certain
line, leaving the viewer to imply that the line continued even where it is not
visually present
Explicit line
A line that is very obvious with in the image
Lost and found line
Line as a direction
The direction of a line can assist in conveying a mood in
Psychic line
A visual illusion in which there appears to be a line, yet a
line is not physically there
Line as texture and pattern
Lines can aid in creating texture on a surface, giving the
apperence of a quality of the surface that is not there ex: though the paper
may be flat the line texture can make it appear rough and 3D. Lines can also
when patterned control the viewers eye moving it across the piece.
Francesco Guardi
This piece
as a whole utilizes many gestured lines. This can be seen with in the
human figures and the statue they’re marveling at. The contours of the lines suggest that
the humans are peering upward at the piece, the woman blankly staring and the
child pointing. These figures though are drawn very loosely with lines that
have consistant breaks throughout one continuous line, these breaks are implied
lines since we as the viewer know that despite its absence it’s still one
line. This same method of gestured line is used on the statue figure and appears
throughout the piece as well.
The piece
also displays lines in the natural features of the drawing, such as the sky,
the trees, and the water. The water lines use direction to imply a calm
surface to the water, since they are horizontal and consistant through out the
body of water. The trees, on the other hand, create a ruffled texture with
lines making the viewer believe that they’d be rough to the touch unlike
the smooth surface of the water.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Ujiie Homework September 6th
Part 1:
I’m trying to put myself back into the mental place I inhabited when I made the sculpture, “the portrait,” as I called it then, of Anne d’Harnoncourt. It was the early nineties; I was studying figure sculpture under the late Walter Erlebacher at the University of the Arts, and just beginning to know the ways of the city. I am happy thinking about this time. The art world as I remember it had not yet been thinned out by AIDS, and there seemed to be a vulnerable establishment to push against. There was something to be proved by being an artist. I am surely not living in that time anymore, and I think that’s why my tears surprised me when a friend wrote me that Anne d’Harnoncourt had died.
I believe this pertains to our current working assignment because of Doering's extreme emotional connection to her work- which is something that we as art students are currently trying to obtain. She has taken this tragedy and worked it so as to exemplify it through her art work.
Part 2:
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This piece conceptually represent depth. |
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This piece represent aesthetically pattern by lines. |
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This Escher piece not only utilizes pattern it also conceptually represents depth. |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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