Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ujiie Vocab 2

Raegan Stewart
Ujiie Foundation Design
Vocab HW 2
September 6

What is a focal point and list three ways to achieve it?
The component of the piece the eye is most instantly drawn to this can be achieved through –position/placement –eye direction –contrast: size/ shape/ color

List at least three types of rhythm and explain how it can help unify a piece of art?
1.     Regular Rhythms 2. Alternating Rhythms 3. Progressive Rhythms 4. Flowing Rhythms 5. Random Rhythms//  Rhythm within a piece of art aids in unifying the piece because of the ease it gives to the viewer. Rhythm helps lead the viewer from one end of the piece to the other.

What is kinesthetic rhythm?

What is the definition of a line?
a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface
The outline bounding a certain shape
A gesture in art implies to the energy, movement, and general shape of a subject
Implied line
To create an empty space within the portion of a certain line, leaving the viewer to imply that the line continued even where it is not visually present
Explicit line
A line that is very obvious with in the image
Lost and found line

Line as a direction
The direction of a line can assist in conveying a mood in art
Psychic line
A visual illusion in which there appears to be a line, yet a line is not physically there
Line as texture and pattern
Lines can aid in creating texture on a surface, giving the apperence of a quality of the surface that is not there ex: though the paper may be flat the line texture can make it appear rough and 3D. Lines can also when patterned control the viewers eye moving it across the piece.

Francesco Guardi

            This piece as a whole utilizes many gestured lines. This can be seen with in the human figures and the statue they’re marveling at.  The contours of the lines suggest that the humans are peering upward at the piece, the woman blankly staring and the child pointing. These figures though are drawn very loosely with lines that have consistant breaks throughout one continuous line, these breaks are implied lines since we as the viewer know that despite its absence it’s still one line. This same method of gestured line is used on the statue figure and appears throughout the piece as well.
            The piece also displays lines in the natural features of the drawing, such as the sky, the trees, and the water. The water lines use direction to imply a calm surface to the water, since they are horizontal and consistant through out the body of water. The trees, on the other hand, create a ruffled texture with lines making the viewer believe that they’d be rough to the touch unlike the smooth surface of the water.

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