Friday, March 29, 2013

self portrait final

Museum HW

Raegan Stewart
Cindy Stockton-Moore
Drawing II
            Today upon visiting the museum I found myself weirdly excited to see the Albrecht Durer exhibit, as I found my way in I began noticing that it is majority wise more sketch like drawings which I think is a great experience since it’s not very often that you can truly appreciate the hand of someone’s work. The individual lines that comprise to make the entire piece. I sat myself down in front of Venus riding on a Dolphin created in 1503. This particular piece features a nude Venus looking at the audience by peering over her shoulder, holding a bouquet like thing in her hand with a blind folded cherub shooting a bow and arrow on top. She is riding on a “dolphin” that looks like a Chinese parade dragon.
            The most amazing thing about seeing it in person is really getting to appreciate the lightness of Durer’s hand and the control he uses to execute each stroke. Every line serves a defining purpose and though many lines are similar, as for shading purposes, each line is different in some manner or another; wither weight or direction or length. This giving each line a life of it’s own- this though does not subtract from their cohesiveness. Durer’s line work also seems to of been applied so gently since (from as close as I was allowed to get) there seemed to be no indentation into the paper from any strokes. Also revealed by the strokes is his wide range of ability, since he is able to successfully use controlled short strokes in his shading and very whimsical long strokes in the bouquets, hair, and especially in the explosion in the upper right hand corner.
            Overall this piece has a daunting mystical presence to it, I felt so instantly drawn in by the strength of the characters present, each one demanding equal amounts of my attention, my eye traveled from Venus to the cherub and his arrow led to me the dragon who’s body led me back to Venus- creating this perfect triangle of activity. The piece also held it’s own in the exhibit, in my opinion, one of his more interesting pieces due to it’s mystically. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

let's get it started

first few photo progression shots of my self portrait piece! My photo reference pictures were taken by my boyfriend, subject matter inspired by my father, and style inspired by my sister Amanda Stewart, a bad ass illustrator. Lots of family inspiration in here!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Phase one of domination completed

The ground work for the portrait is payed out in pencil now it's on to pen on Mylar and then some digital color washes

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Portrait of an Artist: Rieko Fujinami

            I was originally drawn to this portrait because of its daunting very encrypted imagery. I found myself constantly scrolling back to it so I knew it was the piece I should write about. There was instantly a sense of torture and struggle to the piece that I myself could feel in the pits of my stomach as I stared. When reading whom the piece was on I found that Fujinami had relayed her personal feelings for the piece very well to the viewer, since she wanted the piece to she the inner struggle of her friend, Aki, who was also a contemporary Japanese woman artist. Aki though unlike Fujinami chose to be wed in a very traditional Japanese manner and in that way lost a lot of her freedoms in her artwork and personal career as an artist. Fujinami wanted her piece to show Aki’s inner turmoil. “On the surface there was love and calmness, cooperation and harmony, but underneath that I saw complex layers of ambivalence and struggle between love and irritation, calm and impatience, passion and resignation.” Fujinami not only takes influence from close personal friends and family but also from strangers, books, mythology, world news, and American and British TV shows. She also works in a variety of strange and challenging media’s and surfaces, such as fresco, etching, copper tempera, painting on clear film or mirror and many more. She has developed a very in-depth process of dealing with these difficult materials making her work very difficult and very involved to produce and yet her style is so soft that it seems nearly effortless to take in. This all in all making Fujinami a fascinating and very endearing artist.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Abstraction #1

This is a photoshop abstraction of a charcoal figure I had drawn.

Pastel still life

Our 5 hour pastel still life's done in my drawing 2 class.

Monday, March 11, 2013

First sketch for self portrait

I have yet to decide what my final composition ill be but these are the first planning stages of my possible composition. The proportions aren't quite on but first sketch chyeah know.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

dancing gif

my little dancing skeleton man. what jig is he doing? why, the i'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me. nobody will ever put skully baby in a corner.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

hands in motion

Hip hop may be dead, but Wu-tang is forever. In this gif i animated together 5 different renderings of my hands (very difficult to draw!) as they unfolded into the Wu-tang symbol.

Friday, February 8, 2013

figure one gif

a gif of a session of four 5min. drawings done for my class, all of zay nood faygure. Click on the image to see it pray! AMEN


The first sketches and the final sketch for the first of my series for drawing 2. We were assigned to find and sketch 5 interesting items, i choose a little clay statue that my sister made while she attended UArts. I liked it because it was personal to me and an intriguing little item.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Continuous Contour

A continuous contour drawing done in 15 seconds for my drawing two class. The video is all 5 different contour drawings dome for the assignment.

Still Life 1 Drawing Progression Video

A progress video of a charcoal still life done for my drawing two class. Click on it if you're really cool and would like to see it pray.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Drawing II- quote on the drawing

"Drawing is the 'bones' of art. You have to be able to walk before you can run." -Dion Archibald 
Pablo Picasso- Mother and Child
I think this piece relates so closely to Archibald's quote because you can see Picasso practicing the hands and body of the mother in the sketch. You can see his process and how he built upon it for his finished piece.